Unlimited resources

Unfortunately, I don’t love my 3 month old daughter more than my 2 year old son, and vice versa. Unfortunate, because now both of my arms are tired from constantly embracing them.

When I was a parent of one, several parents essentially told me …

“You have one child and you think, there’s no way I could love another person this much. But then, you have another child and you realize that it is possible– your love expands.”

But what about time, energy, and other resources that seem limited? They don’t appear to expand, which can make the thought of having another child, or starting a new project, seem unappealing. Because really, who has the time and energy for that?

There is a phenomenon happening in my life right now, which is teaching me that the resources we often define as limited, have much in common with the expansive nature of love.

I’ve added a child, yet, I am embracing more creative projects, taking the time to learn and do the things that bring me joy, working, and spending quality time with my family. How is it that I feel like I have more free time when I have more on my plate?

I don’t have a magic secret for getting more hours out of the day, unless perception is magic. And maybe it is? But, that is the only difference I’ve made that I can really track.

I willed myself to believe that I would have the resources I need to live the life I want, especially after baby number two arrived. That belief has not given me more hours in a day, but it has created a path that makes me feel like I have more hours. And now that I have this crazy idea that the resources in my life may actually be unlimited, there’s no looking back.

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