Look around

The other day I went hiking with friends. The scenery was so breathtakingly beautiful that we often stopped just to look around and take everything in – Which in that moment, seemed like the most natural thing to do.

How often do we observe the scenery of our lives? Giving it the same attention we would the most beautiful sunrise. Recognizing the thoughts that have washed their way into our reality, or showing love to the things that we considered important enough to have in our presence.

Look around. Take it in. Pause to notice your greatest creation. You may find yourself consumed in gratitude for the things you have. You may find yourself consumed in gratitude for the things you want to change. The only way to know for sure, is to look around.

Celebrate yourself

If you’re working towards something, chances are you’ll have some successes along the way. A challenging thing to do during this forward momentum is to pause and celebrate the micro accomplishments that are the result of all the steps you’ve taken.

I find myself reminding clients (and myself) that its okay to pause and celebrate. At first, it may feel unproductive or premature, but that’s only because it rubs against the frantic, bulldozer approach associated with most goals.

Our goals are meant to provide nourishment through their accomplishment. And celebrating can help battle fatigue and sustain momentum by reigniting our connection to the desired outcome. If we can’t celebrate along the way, is it really a worthy ambition in the first place? Take the time to celebrate yourself, when you reach the end, you’ll be thankful that you did.