One hundred

One hundred is often recognized as the number of completion, significance or truth. And today, as I complete my one hundredth blog post, there are a few significant truths I’ve learned through this process that are worth sharing.

Every day – The best way to cultivate what you love is to spend time with it every day.

Inspiration – Inspiration from external sources is limited. Seeking inspiration from within connects to a river that knows no limits.

Essential – Revealing only what is essential removes the shadow and exposes the light. It feels vulnerable, but alive.

Sharing – Sharing periodically feels like a sacrifice, sharing often feels like a gift.

Thinking vs. feeling – Thinking about what to create will mechanically produce an outcome, feeling what to create produces the truth.

Spend time doing what you love. Seek inspiration from within. Remove the shadow to expose the light. Share, often. Produce from a place of truth.


Whether or not we can clearly make the connection, it all goes together. Our life experiences, how we spend our time, and our environment, all become part of what feeds everything else we do.

With each action, we produce all the instruction, knowledge and material that we will have access to at a later time. And while we may perceive one action to be separate from another, the reality is, we can only grab inspiration from the source that has been feed.

On the surface, we may find ourselves doing things that seem unrelated to each other. But, how can something from the same source be separate? Understanding this creates a greater freedom that invites us to explore without the concern that things must appear connected, because in reality, it all goes together.


Our product, service or idea can be phenomenal, and people will still have their opinion. There will always be a commentator, and their role is to comment, even when it doesn’t seem necessary. Inevitably, someone will believe the design is subpar, that the experience could be better, or idea isn’t original.

The commentator is not the problem, it’s when we follow the destructive path of believing in unjustified critiques. Most damaging, is when we create or take action with the voice of the commentator leading the way.

Instead of creating for the commentator, create from your inspired self and know that the commentator will always be there. Remembering that the most critical commentator can be the one within ourselves.