
Proximity is a closeness in space, time, or relationship.

Let’s explore…


Things within our proximity can effect us more easily. Things outside our proximity have less of an impact.

Our distance to the sun keeps us safe. If we got within proximity to the sun, we would burn. Yet, the fact that it could burn us doesn’t mean that we don’t need its energy to survive; we just need the appropriate space.


Entering a new proximity may require time to adjust. Exiting a familiar proximity may take time to heal.

“Things will heal in time.” As our proximity to a situation widens through time, the impact of the situation diminishes; placing the pain at a greater distance and healing within proximity.


A desire for connection creates proximity. Proximity without a desire for connection creates distance.

A relationship will reflect the intention for connection. Distance is transcended for people with a strong desire for connection, and proximity will not reconcile a relationship between parties that desire distance.

It is useful to evaluate our proximity in terms of space, time and relationship. Sometimes we are too close to a situation to be effective or too far away to make an impact. But, the potential to make things better may only require an adjustment in our proximity.

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