
A bridge provides a structure that can carry us over an obstacle.

Every bridge has its capacity; and man made structures have an expiration date.



We don’t realize how much stuff we have until we move.

It’s easy to live in a place for years without feeling the presence of the things we’ve collected. Once we make accommodations for an object to exist in our space, it leisurely hangs around and becomes part of our environment.


Let go

Every time we create, we benefit from letting go of everything we’ve ever created. The more we create, the harder it is to let go.

Everything that existed in the past, has already been created. Everything available in the present, is a reflection of what has been released from the past.

Let go


It was the child’s first time in a dance studio. The wood floors, silver bars and tall mirrors captivated her. She was one of the few children selected to participate in the after school dance program. How did they know she loved to dance?

The instructor sat the children down in a circle, introduced herself and then politely asked the children to remove their shoes. The young girl panicked. If she removed her shoes, they would learn her secret.


Presenter me

There is a version of me that is grounded and in the moment, then, there is “presenter me.”

Presenter me shows up more than I’d like to admit. But, I get it. She was star of the show for a long time and refuses to give up the lead role– We’re working on it though.

Presenter me

Excuse me

In a competitive race I politely said “excuse me” to the opponent I was about to pass. There was a brief and awkward laughter between us– Who say’s excuse me when they’re trying to win a race?

I won that race. But, the common courtesy I extended in a moment that did not require it, has always stuck with me.

Excuse me

Hot water

A group of people who actively work to bring each other down are described as acting like “crabs in a barrel.” In conversation, the analogy goes like this:

“They (said group of people) act like crabs in a barrel, once one of them get to the top, the rest try to bring them down.”  

Hot water


“I want to be a millionaire when I grow up.”

“What you gonna do, have someone pay you a dime for every chip you eat? You gotta have a real skill to make money in this world.”



Think of something you want to accomplish, then determine, what comes first?

If the thing that comes first is the same thing keeping you from moving forward, than it’s not what comes first.
