Man made

We come into this world with everything we need. Then, the first years of our life are spent acquiring all the man made items that we are instructed we need for our journey.

Once we have been properly initiated with our man made items, we learn the different levels of value, acceptability and worth, in comparison to the man made items of others we encounter.

This shapes the way we see and interact with the world on such a powerful level, that we use this man made system as a direct measurement of our worth, and the worth of others.

There is a point where we can forget, or no longer see clearly, that the origins defining our worth and shaping our perspective, are man made.

Man made items are created through the manipulation of raw materials, and manufactured for the profit of its creator. Crafted to give the illusion that the raw materials are not manipulated, and that nobody profits, many people willingly decide to maintain and support production.

Once a person is able to recognize the origins of the items given to them, they can decide to hand over their possessions and see the world beyond its man made qualities.

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