How to become a visionary

Visionary is defined as:

(especially of a person) thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom.

I put the search term “How do I become a visionary” in Google and discovered….


People most often search, how do I become a visionary:

– Leader
– Thinker
– Person
– Artist

The top-five search results were:

1. 5 Steps for Becoming a Visionary Leader |

2. How to become a visionary in five easy steps | Psychology Today

3. How To Become A Visionary Leader (Without Really Trying…) | Forbes

4. Become a Visionary Leader | Wharton Executive Education

5. You Can Learn To Be The Next Steve Jobs | Business Insider

Being a visionary is not an easy road. When you imagine the world differently, you do so through individual experience that has shaped each unique thought and then informs something that has not yet been given an expression in the world.

Through a new expression of thought, visionaries challenge the status quo, widely accepted perspectives and strongly held beliefs. Many are meet with adversity along the way, often misunderstood, and they do not always reap the rewards of their contribution during their lifetime.

I am not certain that visionaries like Martin Luther King Jr., Walt Disney and Tesla would find value in taking a course like “Become a Visionary Leader?” I am not even confident they could teach that course. Because, if a visionary is someone who plans and moves into action through their imagination or wisdom, how can we learn to be a visionary through steps, plans, wisdom or the imagination of someone else?

If you want to be a visionary leader, thinker, person or artist, it has to be developed, nurtured and expressed through you.

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