
I was in a zone while painting the picture; completely unaware of the classroom full of students. The instructor broke my spell by commenting “That is an amazing drawing.” Immediately, the painting started to deteriorate. My amazing painting, was now, just a mesh of colors on a sheet of paper.

This dream greeted me this morning. Waking me up with promises to expose a common pattern of unintended, but self-destructive behavior. Me, with the potential to do something remarkable, deciding to retreat back to average when others recognize the same potential within me.

Average is relative and nothing is wrong with occupying space there. But, a retreat back to average is an active withdrawal from life. It’s an agreement to let good fruit rot while the masses are starving. Taking more comfort in being with the starving population, instead of recognizing that you possess the antidote for their hunger.

Nobody may want to be average, but who is willing to be remarkable?

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