Piece of cake

We can learn a lot from cake. The other day I observed the minimal action received by a dessert counter inside a local coffee shop. Maybe the lack of interest was due to the discipline of so many people…..or maybe not?

There seemed to be a few factors at play…

Slice of cake: Most of the cakes were untouched. Few people want to be the first to purchase the first slice of cake.

Passing through the line: Dessert goers and non-dessert goers pass through the same line. If several people pass through without succumbing to temptation, someone following may feel they can as well.

Smell: The smell of coffee and espresso overpowered the sweet aroma of the desserts.

In comparison, why does the dessert shop or the separate dessert counter in stores seem irresistible?

Discipline: It makes us feel disciplined. If there are hundreds of desserts on display, you seem like a warrior for only taking one.

Separate line: Everyone who makes a trip to the dessert counter is interested in the sugary treats on some level, even if it is only to stare and salivate.

Smell: The concentrated smell of desserts and fresh pastries are hard to resist.

Questions to consider…..

How do we optimize the presentation of our idea? Will different environments influence how people engage? How are decisions being influenced? And are we making the experience a piece of cake?

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